Why CrossRoads Effectively Opens Doors to a Community
Statement of the Problem
- Communities worldwide are asking, “What’s wrong with our youth?”
- Their youth are engaged in destructive behaviors and attitudes (sex, drugs,
alcohol, violence, apathy, anger). - This felt need opens doors for workable solutions.
How we Engage to Meet the Felt Need
- CrossRoads provides a workable solution to high-risk behaviors and destructive
attitudes among youth through its
- Life Skills and Character Curriculum (Life at the CrossRoads) and
- Training of adults to connect with youth.
- The Curriculum changes the attitudes and behavior of youth and, resultantly, opens doors for the gospel to them and within every level of the community associated with youth.
- Engaging and training adults to be CrossRoads Volunteers gives them the tools
and confidence to take action to see lives changed.
- The curriculum and engagement of volunteers opens doors to engage all the stake-holder in the community in the development of the well being of their youth..
- In addition to the obvious student impact, following are typical adult professions
that are involved through CrossRoads.
- Educators and Administrators: University, Secondary and Primary
- Medical Professionals
- Local and National Government Officials
- Business Leaders
- Social Service Professionals
- Church Leaders
- Parents in general